newspapers-on-facebookIt’s been more than a year since I last looked at how the top 100 newspapers in the U.S. (based on print circulation) were doing gaining likes on Facebook (my list actually includes the top 100 newspapers by circulation and some newspapers that asked to be on the list).

So I took a little time yesterday to see what had changed in the past 15 months. At that time, the average page had 29,047 likes. Now, the average page has 55,501 likes. If we throw out the New York Times and it’s million+ likes, the average jumped from 15,836 to 34,178.

Some more highlights…

  • The New York Times now has more than 2.5 million likes, an increase of nearly a million in the past 15 months. By contrast, the Times’s average daily print circulation is 717,513.
  • The Raleigh News & Observer showed a huge drop in likes, but only because it gave up a page with 4,650 likes to start a new one with less than 900 likes.
  • The Honolulu Star-Advertiser continues to be a dominant force on Facebook with 121,000+ likes. The paper ranks No. 7 on the list, despite not being in the top 100 newspapers by circulation.

Here are some charts showing the numbers (See the full list of top newspapers on Facebook)…

Top 20 Newspapers on Facebook

Percentage growth and # growth are from Sept. 2011 to Dec. 2012.

Newspaper   Fans Dec. 2012     % growth     # growth  
New York Times 2,550,342 62.0% 975,631
Wall Street Journal 632,090 81.1% 283,010
Washington Post 481,055 130.6% 272,463
Los Angeles Times 376,631 236.5% 264,700
USA Today 308,002 334.1% 237,057
Denver Post 193,514 124.0% 107,135
Honolulu Star-Advertiser 121,272 290.6% 90,223
Boston Globe 76,125 41.8% 22,437
New York Post 65,141 125.5% 36,253
Chicago Tribune 57,200 50.1% 19,084
St. Louis Post-Dispatch 46,564 131.1% 26,411
Arizona Republic 44,068 31.5% 10,568
Miami Herald 40,294 82.5% 18,210
Atlanta Journal-Constitution 39,145 109.6% 20,465
Palm Beach Post 37,044 65.1% 14,613
El Paso Times 35,876 20.3% 6,044
Newsday 34,829 103.4% 17,703
San Jose Mercury News 34,541 99.1% 17,189
La Opinión (Los Angeles) 34,489 1489.4% 32,319
Daily News 33,369 92.6% 16,040


Sites with the largest growth (by percentage of Likes)

Newspaper   Fans 9/11     Fans 12/13/12     % growth     # growth  
La Opinión (Los Angeles) 2,170 34,489 1489.4% 32,319
Arizona Daily Star 2,068 11,183 440.8% 9,115
USA Today 70,945 308,002 334.1% 237,057
Buffalo News 3,450 14,083 308.2% 10,633
Lexington Herald-Leader 6,962 28,170 304.6% 21,208
Honolulu Star-Advertiser 31,049 121,272 290.6% 90,223
Cincinnati Enquirer 4,133 15,550 276.2% 11,417
Gazette (Colorado Springs) 3,159 11,143 252.7% 7,984
Los Angeles Times 111,931 376,631 236.5% 264,700
Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester) 2,706 8,344 208.4% 5,638


Sites with the largest growth (by number of Likes)

  Newspaper     Fans 9/11     Fans 12/13/12     % growth     # growth  
New York Times 1,574,711 2,550,342 62.0% 975,631
Wall Street Journal 349,080 632,090 81.1% 283,010
Washington Post 208,592 481,055 130.6% 272,463
Los Angeles Times 111,931 376,631 236.5% 264,700
USA Today 70,945 308,002 334.1% 237,057
Denver Post 86,379 193,514 124.0% 107,135
Honolulu Star-Advertiser 31,049 121,272 290.6% 90,223
New York Post 28,888 65,141 125.5% 36,253
La Opinión (Los Angeles) 2,170 34,489 1489.4% 32,319
St. Louis Post-Dispatch 20,153 46,564 131.1% 26,411